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line detection

Posted by Alexander Lysov on Apr 03, 2010

Hi there,
I'm experimenting with image recognition in Nodebox 1.9.5.
This code detects lines in small images up to 200x200px, but doesn't work with big or edge-detected images:

def houghTransform(im):
    width, height = im.size
    size(width, height)
    rmax = int(round(math.sqrt(height**2 + width**2)))
    print rmax
    acc = zeros((rmax, 180))
    for x,y in [(x,y) for x in range(1, width) for y in range(1, height)]:
        if im.getpixel((x,y)) == 255:
            for m in range(1, 180):
                arg = (m*math.pi) / 180
                r = int(round( (x * math.cos(arg)) + (y * math.sin(arg)) ))
                if 0 < r < rmax:
                    acc[r][m] += 1
    max = 0
    for x,y in [(x,y) for x in range(rmax) for y in range(180)]:
        if acc[x][y] > max:
            max = acc[x][y];
            r, theta = (x,y)
    piTheta180 = (math.pi * theta)/180
    cosTheta = math.cos(piTheta180)
    sinTheta = math.sin(piTheta180)
    if (r/sinTheta) > height:
        m = -1 * math.tan(piTheta180)
        c = int(round(r/cosTheta))
        upper = (c,0)
        lower = (int(round(abs((m*512)+c))),512)
        m = (-1.0) / math.tan(piTheta180)
        c = int(round(r/sinTheta))
        c2 = int(round(r/cosTheta))
        upper = (c2,0)
        lower = (0,c)
    return upper, lower, r*cosTheta, r*sinTheta
import math
from Numeric import zeros    
img = "image.jpg"
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open(img)
points = houghTransform(im)
upper = points[0]
ux = upper[0]
uy = upper[1]
lower = points[1]
lx = lower[0]
ly = lower[1]
print points, upper, ux, uy, lx, ly
Needs PIL.
Can you help fide the bug?

Posted by Alexander Lysov on Apr 03, 2010

Oh, it simply works only with one-channel grayscale images.