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pyaudio and nodebox

Posted by Yanone on Sep 25, 2010

hi everyone,

i'm super eager to use nodebox for an interactive illustration. for now i wanted to start with audio input. i went to great lengths to install pyaudio, which seems to be exactly what i need.

here's a code snippet:

import numpy
import pyaudio
import analyse
def setup():
    global stream
    # Initialize PyAudio
    pyaud = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    # Open input stream, 16-bit mono at 44100 Hz
    # On my system, device 2 is a USB microphone, your number may differ.
    stream = pyaud.open(
        format = pyaudio.paInt16,
        channels = 1,
        rate = 44100,
        input = True,
        input_device_index = 2
def draw():
    global stream
    # Read raw microphone data
    rawsamps = stream.read(1024)
    # Convert raw data to NumPy array
    samps = numpy.fromstring(rawsamps, dtype=numpy.int16)
    # Show the volume and pitch
    print analyse.loudness(samps), analyse.musical_detect_pitch(samps)
similar code used directly from the command line works fine and continuously outputs mic levels in dB, such as -29.7749761525.

calling this code from within nodebox results in an error:
ValueError: input_device_index must be integer (or None)
looking at the code above confirms that input_device_index points indeed to an integer, in this case 2.

my suspicion is now that there's something wrong with nodebox calling all these libraries. i initially had the same library import problems others reported, and solved it by soft-linking python's site-packages folder to nodebox's lib folder.

does anybody know a solution?
thank you very much,

Posted by Yanone on Sep 25, 2010

extending my previous question:

I have a bit of a problem to understand what kind of Python Nodebox uses. Digging into the .app package reveals some 2.5 folder structure. Is that the version used by Nodebox? Because I compiled the audio libraries using 10.6's Python 2.6, where also they are located.

Posted by Yanone on Sep 26, 2010

hi there.

i just tried to use a midi controller to read input from knobs and faders on an input device. nodebox now crashes as i touch a button (=midi messages are received).
i even reinstalled all my external libraries for python2.5, but it still crashes.
the same script works fine from the command line.

is there a possibility to completely use the system's python instead of the built-in?

thank you very much